Connect Lutron Palladiom to all VRF and Split HVAC systems with CoolAutomation gateways

Palladiom Thermostat is now compatible with CoolAutomation solutions. CoolMasterNet can now bridge between all VRF systems and Palladium thermostat. CooLinkNet allows connectivity to Mini-Split and Multi-Split systems by Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric and Fujitsu. This is especially exciting because the technologies we support are growing in a penetration rate in the market and soon many integrators will need to learn how to connect VRF, Mini-Split and Multi-Split HVAC into various Automation systems. Chances any integrator will encounter more and more of such projects in the near future. Lucky we have you covered already :) If you are a Lutron integrator you can find the integration manual in Lutron website in the designated area. For more information on compatibility please visit CoolMasterNet and CooLinkNet pages or e-mail us to Have a Cool integration!