CooLinkNet now supports Mitsubishi Heavy Split and Multi Split HVAC systems!

The need to remotely control HVAC systems, responsible for 60% of energy consumption, is increasing. The demand for Smart Home solutions and connected devices is growing at a surprising rate of over 9% in the US.
CooLinkNet is a unique and cost effective bridge solution that seamlessly integrates Single-Split & Multi-Split air conditioning systems from Daikin, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Panasonic, Sanyo, Fujitsu, Tadiran with Home Automation / BMS Controllers. Control4 Crestron, AMX, RTI, Savant, Vantage and similar. And now Mitsubishi Heavy Split HVAC systems are also supported by our CooLinkNet! Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. is a Japanese multinational engineering, electrical equipment, and electronics company headquartered in Tokyo, operates under the promise of “delivering comfortable living” to it’s customers and delivers 215,000 units of Split and Multi Split HVAC devices in Japan annually. CooLinkNet provides home users with full control and monitoring of their single or multiple Air Conditioning system. Mitsubishi Heavy Air Conditioning control can now be delivered on the same Home Automation controller of which all other tasks like lighting, shades, security and similar are performed. Home Automation is just not doing it for you? You can still save the energy on your most demanding home appliance! Connect your Mitsubishi Heavy Split Air Conditioning units with CooLinkNet to CoolRemote, our App, and have a constant real-time feedback and solid control from anywhere in the world! To learn more about the benefits of real time feedback? Visit our blog and discover the common mistake to make when choosing a WIFI control solution. Contact us to receive a price quote.