On June 9-10, Tenways Engineering Services, Cool Automation’s representative in the U.K, had a booth at the Essential Install Live trade show held at the Sandown Park Exhibition center in south west of London. The Essential Install Live is the primary custom Install Exhibition for the UK Market with exhibitors from all over the UK attracting potential visitors that look for the latest innovations in the custom install industry. The show is in association with Control4, a market leader in the home automation industry. During the show, Tenways Engineering had the opportunity to meet with many Existing Customers and also established relations with new prospective customers, all who had shown a great deal of interest in Cool Automation’s integration and control solutions such as CoolMasterNet and CooLinkNet. The key point which attracted the visitors most, at Tenway’s booth with respect to Cool Automation’s solutions, was that such interfaces cover all Major Air Conditioning and Home Automation Brands from one Unified Device and many were asking to provide them with additional technical and commercial information.