CoolMaster Home is the perfect choice for VRF integration, specifically tailored for small-sized deployments of VRF systems with up to 6 indoor units.
It allows automation integrators, the ability to control, monitor, service, and manage mini VRF systems, by enabling a bi-directional universal communication channel between the VRF HVAC and the automation systems. Coolmaster Home is a Plug & Play device – simply unbox it and connect it to your VRF system.
VRF and VRV systems design is a closed and proprietary communication loop between the condensers and evaporators. These communication loops vary from one manufacturer brand to another. Traditionally, controlling and integrating these VRF HVAC systems controls, requires the mediation of a brand-specific interface device, as each manufacturer utilizes its own unique communication protocol.
With CoolMaster Home, you don’t need a sperate mediation device for each brand, or to implement a different logic of integration with each of them separately. CoolMaster Home connects with all brands and provide a universal unified interface for integrating control and monitoring capabilities to your preferred Home Automation or Building Management System.
CoolMaster Home enables a bi-directional universal communication channel between the VRF HVAC and the automation systems, that enables Automation integrators and HVAC Professionals to: